Rami Bahsoon Autonomous, Intelligent and Intelligent Software Engineering Lab
The lab conducts investigations into two intertwined themes, Distributed Software Engineering Foundation Research and Software Engineering/Architectures for Emerging Distributed and Autonomous Paradigms: Self-adaptive and managed Software systems, Digital Twins, Cloud, Services/Microservices, IoT and Blockchain. Since the early inception of cloud computing, the lab was among the first to conduct research and train PhDs in the fundamentals of software engineering in/for the cloud; self-adaptive and managed cloud architectures; software architecture for cloud and Bigdata; cloud elasticity and auto-scaling; microservices and IoT. The lab has also long standing track in investigations that relate to economics-driven software engineering research; requirements and software architecture; technical debt management in software; autonomic, self-aware and managed software architecture; and computational intelligence in software engineering.
The lab seeks outstanding and exceptionally motivated PhD students to join us. We also welcome research vistors and collaborators.
China Scholarship Council (CSC) Funds: The lab welcomes Chinese nationals for PhD studentships funded by China Scholarship Council. Get in touch with you CV. Accepted applicants may be nominated for CSC. Studentships cover full international tuition fee, living expenses and air fare. Please contact Dr Rami Bahsoon to discuss.

Research Lab
- Dr Rami Bahsoon
- Prof Rajkumar Buyya (Honorary Professor, University of Melbourne)
- Dr Tao Chen
Fellows and Associates
- Dr Catriona Kennedy (2011-2012, 2022)
- Dr Carlos Mera Gomez(2021-2022)
- Dr Funmilade Faniyi(2021-2022)
- Dr Leticia Duboc(Honorary Research Fellow)
Research Visitors
- Dr Fahimeh Farahnakian(2015-2016)
- Syeda Uzma Gardazi(2013)
- Xiangdong Zeng(Aug 2018-Nov 2018)
Current PhD Students
- Mohammed Alshammari, Supervisors: Rami Bahsoon and Carlos Gomez
- George Diamantopoulos, supervisors: Rami Bahsoon, Nikos Tziritas and Georgios Theodoropoulos(SUStech)
- Vergara Marcillo, Christian Roberto (Supervisors Georgios Theodoropoulos -SUStech)
- Alameri, Safa
- Albassam, Safaa (co-supervision with Bob Hendley)
- Alkadhi, Bushra (co-supervision with Bob Hendley)
- Almakrami, Saief(co-supervision with Kashif Rajpoot and Nour Ali)
- Alshehri, Mansour
- Elswiti, Sara(co-supervision with Tao Chen)
- Grange, Simon André
- Massey, Stephen Robert
- Li, Xin
- Tukur, Muhammad Muhammad(co-supervision with Tao Chen, Nour Ali, Anis Zarrad)
- Yusa, Mochammad(co-supervision with Tao Chen)

PhD Completed Under my supervision(since 2009)
- Dr Vivek Nallur ’2012, A decentralized self-adaptation mechanism for service-based applications in the cloud.supervised by: Rami Bahsoon, previously research fellow at Lero/Trinty College Dublin, now Assistant Prof at University College Dublin
- Dr Christopher Staite ’2012, supervised by: Rami Bahsoon, now at GCHQ
- Dr Funmi Onolaja ’2012, supervised by: Rami Bahsoon and Georgios Theodoropoulos, Previously at PrePay, Accenture now at PWC, UK
- Dr Sarah AlAzzani ’2014, supervised by: Rami Bahsoon, previously Senior Security Software Engineer at Accenture, now Senior Security Software Engineer at CGI
- Dr Funmilade Faniyi’2015, supervised by: Rami Bahsoon, now Senior Software Consultant, CRM London
- Dr Shehnila Zardari ’2015, supervised by: Rami Bahsoon, now Prof at Ned University, Pakistan
- Dr Esra Alzaghoul ’2015, supervised by: Rami Bahsoon, now Associate Prof at University of Jordan
- Dr Marwah Alansari ’2015,supervised by: Behzad Bordbar and Rami Bahsoon
- Dr Tao Chen ’2016, supervised by: Rami Bahsoon, Assistant Prof at University of Birmingham, previously Assistant Prof in Computer Science at Loughbrough University, UK
- Dr Faisal Alrebeish ’2016, supervised by: Rami Bahsoon, now reseracher at King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia
- Dr Bendra Ojameruaye ’2016, supervised by: Rami Bahsoon, now Security Software Analyst at University of Warwick, UK
- Dr Abdessalam Elhabbash ’2017, supervised by: Rami Bahsoon and Peter Tino, now Lecturer in Distributed Systems at Lancaster University, UK
- Dr Giannis Tziakouris ’2017, supervised by: Rami Bahsoon and Tom Chothia, now at Interpol, R&D
- Dr Maria Salama ’2018, supervised by: Rami Bahsoon, now postdoc at Lancaster University, UK
- Dr Carlos Joseph Mera Gomez ’2019, supervisors: Rami Bahsoon and Rajkumar Buyya, now Assistant Prof at ESPOL, Ecuador.
- Dr Sara Hassan ’2019, supervisor: Rami Bahsoon, now Senior Lecturer in Software Engineering at Birmingham City University, UK
- Dr Dalia Sobhy ’2019, supervisor: Rami Bahsoon and Leandro Minku, now Assistant Prof. Arab Academy Egypt.
- Dr Mashael AlBarak, ’2020, supervisor: Rami Bahsoon, now Assistant Prof. King Saud University, SA.
- Dr Alexandros Evangelidis, supervisors: Dave Parker and Rami Bahsoon, Research Fellow York University, UK, previously Technical University Munich, Germany
- Dr Satish Kumar, ’2021, supervisors: Rami Bahsoon, Tao Chen and Rajkumar Buyya. now Research Fellow, University of Leeds, UK
- Dr Paola Yanez, ’2022, now Assistant Prof (teaching foucused) University of Birmingham, UK.
- Dr Akram Alofi, supervisors: Rami Bahsoon and Robert Hendley
- Dr Nan Zhang, supervsiors: Rami Bahsoon, Peter Tino and Georgios Theodoropoulos(SUStech)
- Dr Sabreen Ahmadjee, supervisor: Rami Bahsoon(Now, Assistant Prof at Birmingham City University )
- Dr Francisco Ramirez, supervisors: Rami Bahsoon, Dave Parker and Y. Zhang(Sustech), now at ESPOL
- Dr Hayatullahi Adeyemo, supervisor: Rami Bahsoon and Peter Tino(now at Bournemouth University, UK)
- Dr Hanouf Alghanmi, supervisor: Rami Bahsoon
- Suwichak Fungprasertkul, supervisors: Rami Bahsoon, Xin Yao, Rick Kazman
- Dr Vahab Samandi, supervisors: Peter Tino and Rami Bahsoon, Now at NorthEastern
- Dr Hargyo Tri Nugroho, supervisor: Rami Bahsoon

Projects and enabling activities
- Novel Digital Twins for Compliance Debts in Smart Manifacturing, EPSRC/EverythingConnected Network, Feb/2021 -Feb/2022, PI
- Engineering Proprioception in Computing Systems (EPiCS), FP7-ICT-2009-5, funded by European Union 7th Framework Programme, 2010-2014. I led the self-aware architecture style/patterns related activities resulting in a handbook for self-aware architecture. I have also led the supervision of three PhD projects that leverage these styles - Funmilade Faniyi’s PhD(2015) on Self-aware software architecture style and patterns for cloud-based applications; Tao Chen’s PhD (2016) on Self-Aware and Self-Adaptive Autoscaling for Cloud-Based Services and Engineering and Abdessalam Elhabbash’s PhD (2017) on Self-awareness with knowledge management in dynamic systems: a case for volunteer computing. I had supervised several MSc/BSc projects that informed the foundation. Most notably, the early work of Shaun Parson’s project on Towards a Better Understanding of Self-Awareness and Self-Expression within Software Systems, Technical report CSR-11-03 and extended to SASO’2011 workshop paper, which informed the adopted level of awareness in EPiCS.
- EPSRC/Vodafone Case Studentship on Identity Management Architectures, 2008-2012, cordial support for Christopher Staite’s PhD ’2012
- Birmingham Grasshoppers Green Software Engineering Research. Activities cordially supported by Bridging the Gap Fellowship (EPSRC/UB) fellowship on Green Cloud: A Framework for Self-Optimisation of Quality of Service (QoS) and Power in Cloud Architectures; EPSRC Vacation Bursary on Green Cloud Simulator; and Ramsay Research Alumni Funds(Green-Aware Software Architectures); Inovation UK (Energy and Transportation Meters Advantages of West midlands) and by the generous time of several MSc/BSc students to undertake their projects with the group.
- Software Engineering IN and For the Cloud Research Interest Group, I had also founded The IEEE International Workshop Series on Software Engineering In/For Cloud 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017; guest edited a special issue on the Future of Software Engineering IN and FOR the Cloud with the Journal of Systems and Software, ELSEVIER Science; and led the organisation of the IEEE Services 2016 Emerging Track: Big Data Software Engineering for Cloud, Edge Computing and Mobility, 2016 and 2017, and developed the University of Birmingham MSc Level. Research Seminar 10 Credits (100%) on Advances in Software Engineering: Software Engineering IN and FOR the Cloud
- Ecology Inspired Self-Aware Autoscaling for Elastic Cloud-Based Services, cordial support by (Ramsay Alumni Fund, School of Computer Science, University of Birmingham) for the work conducted with Tao Chen.
- Microsoft Research cordial support for cloud resources for the work of Alexandros Evangelidis’s on cloud verification.
- I have been actively involved in the research activities of the EPSRC project on Dynamic Adaptive Automated Software Engineering (DAASE) and the earlier related EPSRC project on Search-based Software Engineering.

Gollaborating Labs (incomplete list)
- Software Engineering and Cloud Computing Lab at the University of Melbourne
- Software Engineering Group at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA
- The group of Rick Kazman at the University of Hawaii and Software Engineering Institute/CMU
- Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech)
- Software Systems Engineering Group at University College London
- Software Engineering Group at Brunel University London
- Software Engineering at the University of Leicester
- Software and Services Group at the Free University of Amesterdam
- Distributed Systems group at University of Lancaster